Pretty Healthy…….

…….I guess I’m in pretty good for the shape I’m in, LOL! I guess…..I need to Google the highlighted items because I don’t know what A/G Ratio even means! How can I fix it if I don’t know what it means, right? And I figured my cholesterol was going to be high, but it is 30 points lower than it was when I was working in WV and had it checked! Probably losing 56 pounds helped! ;)…….(read more below the chart)

BP – 128/82 mm[Hg] Pulse – 78 bpm Oxygen – 98% Room Air at Rest Temperature – 97.5 F° temporal artery Respiration – 18

So, those were the results of the bloodwork done at my Medicare Yearly Wellness checkup yesterday. Why the doctor did not hound me about this in the prior years since I turned 65 (I’m 68 now) I do not know! Could be because I don’t go to the doctor very often (as in hardly ever) unless I’m sick enough that I can’t fix whatever is ailing me…..which happened earlier this year when it turned out to be a UTI. So, I guess I was on their radar! HA!

Physical Therapy Today

December 14th was my OrthoCarolina appointment for my L1 compression fracture (FINALLY) that happened 2 months ago today. X-rays were done and he told me that, not only do I have the compression fracture but I also have a slightly slipped disk at L5. I’m wondering if I got this at the same time as the compression fracture. Or did I get it during one of my two previous falls here at the house (one in the yard and one in the bedroom) in the last year and a half. Or is it a gradual thing happening with age? Whatever the cause, the doctor said there was nothing to do unless it started giving me problems. He asked me if I had pain in my legs. I do not. He told me the compression fracture could take up to a year to heal completely on its own and that he would not need to see me unless I was having problems. He said no PT was required. I mentioned to him the popping, cracking and crunching in my neck that I felt might be causing some of my headaches. He said possibly and that he recommended me seeing a Rehab Medical doctor in Clemmons who is very good. He said he wanted me to get a bone density test (since I’m old and female) and said she could do the test there. So those appointments are scheduled for January.

So, when I read this note from the spine doctor the next day…….

“Physiatry is for Dr. Hill- they are spine doctors who treat spine problems before surgery, they try to do this beforehand. She also does the bone scans to evaluate your bone density. 
Physical therapy is having you work with a therapist to do certain exercises which will help strengthen you and work on pain reduction”

…….Mark and I did not understand that he meant there would be other PT besides the PT Dr. Hill will be administering, especially since he verbally said (or at least we thought he said) there was no need for PT because the fracture would heal on its own…..but I decided to go to find out what would be recommended. I’m glad I did, but I’m sore tonight!

Here’s a rundown of the exercises I have been assigned (links to YouTube showing exercise):
Repeated Extension in Standing (10 reps. 4x a day – working up to 8-10x a day)
Transversus Abdominus Training – Supine Bracing (10 reps. once a day)
Supine 90-90 Marching – Pelvic Bracing (10 reps. once a day)
Bridge – Bridging (10 reps. once a day)
Side Lying Clamshell – Clam Shell (10 reps. once a day)
Rows (10 reps. once a day)
Elastic Band Extension Bilateral Shoulder (10 reps. once a day with band waist high)

The PTherapist was going to give me an elastic band but forgot to. So I will see how much they cost and just order one from Amazon if they aren’t too expensive. The whole purpose is to strengthen my core to help strengthen my back. So, I have my work cut out for me! I have 3 more PT sessions scheduled and will see what needs to be done from there!

I went to Ilene’s after PT. She fed me taco soup for lunch and celery with cream cheese filling. I had taken my back brace with the ice packs because I figured I would need it after PT, so she helped me put it on and I wore it for the couple of hours I visited with her. 

I went to Food Lion before going home to get a few things and I also stopped for Pimento Cheese. As soon as I got the groceries put away I took the back brace off, put the ice packs in the freezer and hit the recliner and turned on the heating pad…..after I fed Asher and refilled the bird bath with clean water and filled the feeder.

So, as He promises, the Lord is helping me through this little bump in the road with my health. And when I’m all healed up…..look out, Michael! Get your court shoes on and your pickle ball paddle ready! ;)

Psalm 121 (ESV).

1. I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
    who made heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot be moved;
    he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is your keeper;
    the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
    nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all evil;
    he will keep your life.
The Lord will keep
    your going out and your coming in
    from this time forth and forevermore.

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