Pity the Man

Last night at church, Pastor Bobby brought to memory an old song that I thought I remembered from my teens. But, according to the internet, it was released in 1980. It was written by Joel Hemphill. You can listen to it HERE. Following are the lyrics to “Pity the Man.”

I guess we should pity the man in this world,
Who must use the earth for a bit.
And I guess we should pity the man who must toil,
From dawn to dusk for his bread.
But these can be rich if they have contentment,
And share in God’s salvation plan.
But if you know any who though they have plenty,
Are lost, then pity the man.

Pity the man who has treasures to hold.
And holds not the pearl of great price,
Pity the man though he lives long on earth,
Yet he knows not the Giver of life.
Doctor, or lawyer, traveler, or merchant,
Or builder who builds on the sand.
Pauper or king to be saved is the thing,
If he’s lost then pity the man.

And I guess there are those who pity the saved,
As though we were missing life’s best.
Oh, they’re forgetting the treasures of earth
Pass away,
And heaven is the place to invest.
Their meanwhile esteeming, the man who is
To hold all the wealth that he can.
But if while he’s living, to God he’s not giving
His soul, then pity the man.

Pauper or king to be saved is the thing,
If he’s lost then pity the man.

The riches of this world are going to pass away. The people who hold those riches are going to pass away. What then? Those riches will vanish. But the people are going to live on in eternity. There’s only one of two places they will be living. Heaven or Hell. The thing is, the preparation begins on Earth. People are not going to get to the doors of eternity and have to choose door #1 or door #2. No! People have to choose while they are living and breathing here on earth. Who have you chosen to spend eternity with? Jesus or Satan?

People joke about joining their friends in hell and having a big party. No, my friend! I’m afraid if that is what you think you are going to be sorely disappointed. The only music you are going to hear are the echos of those telling you about Jesus dying on the cross, inviting you to come to Him, trusting His sacrifice was for you…..dying to pay for your sins so you could be presented to God as righteous. And you are going to hear the flames of hell crackling around you for ever and ever and ever……….you are going to “weep and gnash (grind) your teeth!” Jesus gives many warnings in the Word of God. Read the scriptures before the following verses:

“Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 22:13, KJV

“The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 24:50-51, KJV

“And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 25:30, KJV

“There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.” Luke 13:28, KJV

Oh! My friends and loved ones! If you have not…..why not come to Him now! Admit you are a sinner, believe that Jesus died for your sins and confess your sins to God.

Why Do You Wait? (Why Not?)
by George F. Root

  1. Why do you wait, dear brother,
    Oh, why do you tarry so long?
    Your Savior is waiting to give you
    A place in His sanctified throng.
    • Refrain:
      Why not? Why not?
      Why not come to Him now?
      Why not? Why not?
      Why not come to Him now?
  2. What do you hope, dear brother,
    To gain by a further delay?
    There’s no one to save you but Jesus,
    There’s no other way but His way.
  3. Do you not feel, dear brother,
    His Spirit now striving within?
    Oh, why not accept His salvation,
    And throw off your bondage to sin?
  4. Why do you wait, dear brother?
    The harvest is passing away;
    Your Savior is longing to bless you,
    There’s danger and death in delay.

Don’t wait! NOW is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2)! Don’t be a Fan! Be a Follower!

Love to all,

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