Rainy Days

We have had a LOT of rain in June. It has been a cool spring. When the sun has shown up, you could immediately feel the humidity because of the moisture in the air. Yesterday afternoon the sun came out and today the sun has been out enough that Mark mowed the yard. He ended up having to use the push mower on most of it because the riding lawn mower was not working right. He felt first hand the humidity.

I visited with Elisabeth a couple days this week. The pages below tell a little bit about those visits. I’ve also done my monthly 2-page spread.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Love to all!

I got this image of a zebra swallowtail from Free Images dot com because Mark’s picture he took looks a little blurry in the review page above. They are beautiful, aren’t they? More amazing artistry from our God! Thank You, LORD, for the beauty I see all around Your creation that bring You glory and brings us enjoyment!

Let’s Ride!

I have been working on our bike-riding scrapbook pages for the year. Last year we didn’t ride very much because of health reasons, mostly. This year has been better so far!

I get my scrapbook pages printed from Persnickety and it can get quite expensive! So, when they have their 50% off deal I usually buy the 50-page deals. Sometimes I use them right away and sometimes they hold in your account until you can use them. I’ve never used the 8.5″ x 11″ size before and decided I wanted to have our biking trips done in this format. It’s a little tricky to get the photos I want in the pages, so I have to just use a good representation of the trip.

Our first ride of the year happened in April. I will try to post them in order of happening.

Let’s Go Experience

Journaling reads:  The weather was warm enough for a bike ride.  Our first outing of the year.  The low for the day was 54 and the high was 81 at noon and it was still 79 at 6 p.m.  We drove 34.5 miles in just over an hour.  We traveled the back roads away from all of the traffic.  Mark grew up in this area so he knows all of the back roads and where they lead.  It was great to be on the bike again!  Tuesday, late afternoon, 4/4/23

Build Memories

Journaling reads:  We rode to a restaurant in Welcome for supper, Jimmy’s Steakhouse.  From there we took the scenic route home.  We traveled a total of 39.4 miles.  We rode for about an hour total.  I enjoy taking pictures of old buildings.  5/7/23

Enjoying the Journey

Journaling reads:  I love taking pictures of cattle grazing or lying in the meadow.  I always think of the verses Psalm 50:10-11, “For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.  I know every bird of the mountains, and everything that moves in the field is Mine.”  5/17/23

Look and See

Journaling reads:  I love to photograph the clouds.  I especially love to see the sun behind them and the “silver” lining that seems to glow around the clouds.  The Bible tells us that Jesus will come back in the clouds.  Maybe subconsciously that is who I’m looking for!  5/17/23

We Love to Ride

Journaling reads:  Mark worked hard outside today and decided he wanted a steak for supper, so we rode to Dodge City in Clemmons.  After we ate we rode until it was dark by the time we got home around 9:30.  Great ride!  6/2/23

And Then it Hailed!

Left Side

Journaling reads:  I was in the mood for ice cream.  I asked Mark if he wanted to take a bike ride to DQ.  The weather was great!  While we were at DQ, Mark sent a text to Jenifer to see if she was home.  Three baby goats had been born earlier in the day so we rode over to see them.  They were so cute!  When we got there it began to thunder in the distance.  The babies were in the horse pasture and needed to be taken to the goat pen before it started to rain.  We helped Jenifer carry them to the pen and we hit the road quickly, hopefully to beat the rain! 6/3/23

Right Side

Unfortunately we didn’t make it home before the bottom dropped out and it began to…..not just rain…..pour buckets full of rain!  And before we got home we were pelted on our bare arms with hail!  OUCH!  What happened to all of the sunshine just an hour ago?!   6/3/23

Let’s Ride!

Left side:

Journaling reads:  Mark and I rode a total of 72.2 miles with Bobby and Joy today.  Plus it is 10 miles from our house to their house.  We left our house around 4:08.  We left their house around 4:36 and arrived at the Lakeview Family Restaurant on High Rock Lake in Salisbury around 5:45.  The drive was beautiful!  The fellowship around the picnic table on the porch overlooking the lake was wonderful!  We left the restaurant just after 7 and Mark and I arrived home at 8:14.  We always have a lovely time with our wonderful riding friends!  


Bobby and Joy have a beautiful new-to-them trike!  Mark let Bobby lead the way to the restaurant.

Right side:

Journaling reads:  Bobby leading the way.

Our journey from beginning to end.

The drive was beautiful and even on the drive home it was warm.  It was a great day for a ride!

As we crossed the lake I noticed there were people swimming in the lake!  It was warm, true, but I would bet the water was not that warm!  Not warm enough for me, anyway!

The restaurant was packed but there was room for us to eat out- side on the porch with a view of the lake!  Very nice and enjoyable!

I’ve got a good start on my pages for the year! I have another page to do from a ride we took on Friday to Reidsville where Mark’s Aunt Libby lives. We had supper with her and her son, Lee. Dummy me didn’t get a picture of our visit, however! I just got a few pictures from the ride. I’ll share those later!

If someone would’ve told me 6 years ago that I was going to buy a Honda Goldwing I would have told them they were crazy! But, I have to say, I do LOVE TO RIDE! Thank You, LORD, for the safety You have provided thus far!

Let’s Ride!

Happy 38th Birthday!

June 20, 1985…..enter Nathanael Charles Day into our world! Your first name had to be Biblical and your middle name had to be part of your dad’s name. Since Michael got your dad’s first name as his middle name you got your dad’s middle name, which happened to be your Grandpa Day’s first name.

Our finances were pretty tight and we had decided you would be our last baby. It didn’t matter if you were a girl or a boy. The doctor tried to talk us out of the tubal ligation. It didn’t matter if you were healthy or not. That was God’s business. I often wonder if it was a lack of faith on our part when we opted to have my tubes tied. Would you and your siblings have had other siblings younger than you? It is doubtful but I had heard of tubal ligations failing. That was God’s business. And since I believe that God is in control of life, was it a waste of money to get my tubes tied? Probably! All of these questions are moot points now. What was done is done.

I got side tracked…..

Your birth is the one I remember the least. Because I was having the tubal ligation right after you were born, I was given an epidural for your birth. Your birth is the only one your dad attended, by the way. Grandma Brandenburg stayed in the delivery room when your siblings were born while your dad stayed in the fathers’ waiting room. Maybe the fact that this was his last chance or maybe the fact that I would be feeling nothing is what gave him the courage to be in the delivery room…..we will never know. With the epidural, the only way I knew I was having a contraction was from the baby monitor that was strapped around my belly. When it was time to push your dad had to tell me when. Because of the epidural your labor was a bit longer than for your siblings. I think it ended up being about 3.5 hours compared to 3 to 3.25. Still a lot better than most births! Thank You, LORD!

After completing the birthing process I was lifted to another table and wheeled to the operating room where I was made to be barren. I’ve got to tell you that the realization of that fact made me sad…..but only for a little while! I didn’t have much nausea during my pregnancies, but for awhile after you were born, when I saw a pregnant woman I got nauseous!

You weighed 10 lbs. You were born at 1:50 p.m. on a Thursday. Not sure how long you were. I would guess around 19″ which seemed to be the average length for all of you. You were born at Bethesda in Cincinnati, the only child not born at St. Elizabeth hospital in Covington, KY whose births were attended by Dr. George Mueller. I just realized that your doctor had the same first name as your siblings’ doctor…..George Scott.

Your birth was not without complications, if you want to call being jaundiced a complication. It was bad enough that you had to stay in the hospital for another 5 days. And since I had to leave Michael at the hospital for the same reason (worst week of my life) I told the doctor that I was staying with you! I was not going home without my baby! Been there, done that…..wasn’t going to do it again! It was hard not being at home with my other 3 babies, but I knew they were being well cared for by Grandma Brandenburg. If I remember correctly, she was staying at our house.

You already know that we don’t have as many pictures of you, much to my displeasure, as we seem to have of everyone else. And most of the pictures I have of you, you are not alone. You are usually with a sibling or two…..or three! And, back then, if your dad wasn’t taking the pictures, pictures didn’t get taken much! My hands were always busy doing something else besides holding a camera. Jessica was 5 1/2 when you were born, so having 4 kids under 6 years old kept me pretty busy and kept us just above poverty level, LOL! It seemed I always had laundry to fold and dishes to do and dirty faces to wash and meals to fix, floors to sweep or mop…..the list goes on and on! But, if I had it to do all over again, the only thing I would change would be to spend more time praying with you all and for you all!

June 1985
Thanksgiving 1986 at Gram’s
1986 Kilby Road, Harrison, OH
Versailles State Park in Versailles, IN – vacation with Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg 1986
Christmas 1986 at Gram’s
March 1987
7/4/1987 at Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg’s
Nursery at Addyston Baptist Church 1987
Natural Bridge State Park, KY 1988
Memorial Day Picnic at Whitewater Park in Brookville, IN 1988
Christmas at Haffenbridles 1988, Milan, IN
10/1989 at Grace Baptist in Milan, IN
Children’s Museum 1988 (?)
Christmas 1989
1990 – Kindergarten at Landmark Christian
1996? Liberty Baptist trial sermon in Michigan
VBS 2001
2002 – Stephanie Parker, Missionary
2004 – little Michael
Christmas 2004 in Buffalo, WV – Hannah
8/28/10 at Elisabeth and Brad’s in Buffalo, WV
Wedding Reception 9/1/18
1/13/23 Christmas Gathering at Elisabeth’s

The years have changed all of us. I hope you enjoyed a perusal of the past years.

I pray you have a wonderful birthday! I pray you look to the Lord for direction in your life. I’m proud of the father you are and the wonderful man that you are! I think you have figured it out! ;).

I love you very much!


The God of the Details

Happy Father’s Day, especially to my beloved sons, sons-in-laws, and dear husband! I love you all dearly!

Only a dad, but he gives his all  
To smooth the way for his children small,  
Doing, with courage stern and grim,  
The deeds that his father did for him.  
–Edgar Guest (1881–1959)

My oldest son and his wife were thinking about their dads this morning. Both of these dear men have departed this world and are now residing in their eternal homes with our eternal Father God! In their reflection of Michael’s dad, they wondered how it was that Tim and I graduated high school together since Tim was almost a year older than me. It was because his birthday was in December which threw him into beginning school the following year. But, in calculating how old I was when I started school, I remembered that I turned 5 after I started school in 1960. (Fact: I was only 17 when I graduated and lied about my age at my first job after high school! Yes, I did! It was a job as a maid at a Holiday Inn and the job lasted 3 days because my ride quit!) Tim was already 5 when he started school in 1960, turning 18 in December 1972 before we graduated June 3, 1973. Kindergarten was not required in those days (the olden days, LOL!)

I said to Michael, “He (Tim) was destined to be mine!” Then I said, I love seeing God in the small, seemingly insignificant details of our lives! He determined where and when Tim and I would be born. He determined where and when Tim and I would meet and fall in love. And He determined all of the in-between details of those events and the rest of the events in our lives together. It wasn’t karma. It wasn’t the stars. It wasn’t some force. It was God! Ecclesiastes 3 says it this way (KJV):
 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

A detail not known to us was a certain baby boy born on April 29, 1961 in Winston Salem, NC. Here’s another seemingly insignificant detail: that unknown baby boy, now a grown man named, Mark Whittemore came to Buffalo, WV with Len Fleshman to help move Tim and I to Winston Salem, NC in August 2008. At the time, we had no idea that within 4 years of our move to NC Tim would be diagnosed with Melanoma in 2012. Surgery did not take the threat away. Eighteen months later he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma in 2013 which began 5 years of numerous trial medicines. We all know how that turned out. We had prayed for Tim’s healing. Our prayers have been answered, if not in the way we expected!

Widowhood was not in “my” plans, but neither was getting married again, and yet it happened. And why to that once-upon-a-time-unknown-baby-boy-now-a-grown-man, Mark Whittemore? All I can say is…….”to EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven!”

Details, details, details…….have you given thought to some of the details of your life? Can you see God in those details? I promise you, He is there!

The Protecting Arms of the Heavenly Father

This past Saturday afternoon we had plans with Joy and Bobby to take a bike ride. Joy had a meeting to attend before we could go. At 4:15 we got the text to head over to their house for our bike ride. We determined to go to Lakeview Family Restaurant on High Rock Lake in Salisbury. GPS says it is about a 30 minute ride from Joy and Bobby’s. The lake was busy with boaters and swimmers. It was a beautiful day for a ride! It was a beautiful day to be on the lake! But I’m not sure I would’ve been IN the water, however taking a boat ride would have been pretty fun!

We spent about an hour at the restaurant eating and chit chatting outside on the patio with a view of the lake. On our way home we hit flashing lights. The fireman (it may have been an EMT) directed us to take a detour as there was a serious accident on the road we were on. Bobby was leading the way. But he was not sure where we were after we had to detour. He lead for awhile, hoping to see something familiar. When that didn’t happen he suddenly took a side road and stopped after making the turn. We tried to pull up by him because a jeep was following us pretty close as we turned. Well, the ground was not level and slopped in such a way that Mark’s footing could not reach the ground when we stopped behind Bobby and the next thing we knew we were on the ground. When I realized we were going down I leaned as hard as I could towards the road, but the momentum was overpowering and the bike toppled into the ditch. I don’t think Mark got any bruising at all, but I jammed my right thumb into his back or something and my left leg banged onto the back of his seat. My thumb was hurting most of all and was very stiff, swollen and bruised. It is not broken, just banged up badly. The swelling has gone down some and the thumb is not as sore as it was. On Monday I couldn’t use it. My left leg is bruised on the inside of the calf and sore, and I discovered a bruise on the back of my left arm above the elbow when I lifted my arm while working on my hair for church on Sunday. But, thank the Lord, these problems will pass!

Bobby felt really bad but Mark said he could have made better choices, too. I told Bobby not to feel bad. It was just another one of those things the Lord allows us to go through in our life for whatever reason. I am just thankful that no one was hurt badly enough to go to the hospital…or worse. And the only thing that happened to the bike was the left mirror was broken when it hit the ground. Mark already has a replacement ordered. I’m also thankful my camera was hanging to my left side. If it had been on my right side, not only would it have hurt me, but it probably would have been broken. I’m not ready to spend that much money on a new camera yet!

When I was trying to think of a title for this post, the song, “Put Your Hand in the Hand” sung by Anne Murray (1970), came to mind. I always loved this version by Ocean from 1971.

Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who stilled the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man
Who calmed the sea
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man
From Galilee

This song is more about treating people the right way and being able to do that by holding to the hand of the Lord. But, too, if we are holding to the hand of the Lord, He will lead us in the path He has determined for us to walk. Do I know why He allowed the incident with the bike to happen? No. But, I do know that without His guiding hand and protecting arm the incident could have been much worse. Maybe that’s all He wants us to realize. Bobby often reminds us that we should never take for granted that we will come back unharmed from a trip on the roadway. Because of this reminder, Mark and I always pray before we begin our bike rides. It would be good for us to do the same thing any time we get in the car!

Love to all!

If you look closely, you will see Bobby’s new trike!

Here’s a better picture of it! Isn’t it pretty?! Mark and I already voiced our desire to get one…….one of these days, LOL!

Lord willing………………….. 😉

I Surrender All…

…easier said than done!

All to Jesus I surrender

Author: Judson W. Van De Venter (1896)
Tune: SURRENDER (Weeden)
Confession Songs

All to Jesus I surrender,
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel Thy Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine. [Refrain]

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,
Let Thy blessing fall on me. [Refrain]

Baptist Hymnal, 1991

In a weekly email I receive from pastor Stephen Davey, today’s post was entitled, “It’s Time to Surrender.” In it, pastor Davey listed some things the Bible tells us to surrender to God:

Your life:
The Bible teaches that we should surrender our lives to God and seek His will. (Romans 12:1)

Your worries and anxieties: We are encouraged to surrender our worries and anxieties to God, trusting in His care. (1 Peter 5:7)

Your sins: The Bible teaches that we should surrender our sins to God, confessing them and seeking His forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

Your desires and ambitions: Surrendering our desires and ambitions to God means aligning them with His purposes and seeking His guidance. (Proverbs 16:3)

Your control: Surrendering control to God involves acknowledging His sovereignty and trusting Him with our lives and circumstances. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Your pride: The Bible encourages us to surrender our pride and humble ourselves before God. (James 4:10)

I think the one listed lastly should, maybe, be listed first…..your pride. I think until we surrender ALL of our pride, we will continue to have problems surrendering all in the other areas listed. The problem is, as long as we remain in these earthly bodies, we will have problems controlling our pride. Brother Paul said it best…..

Romans 7:18 – 25 (ESV)

“For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.  For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.  Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.  For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being,  but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.  Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.”

So, if this is true of the great Apostle Paul, what hope is there for us? And if Brother Paul felt this way, how could he say to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:7 (NIV), “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith“? If you are like me, I feel like I fail in the spiritual battle every day! And I don’t usually feel like it was a good fight, either! BUT….thanks be to God, the victory has already been won in Christ! FAITH IN CHRIST IS THE VICTORY! And that faith is the gift of God to those who believe! So, no matter how many times or how badly we fail, if we are truly a child of God, the victory is sure and sweet! When the battle of life is over WE SHALL WEAR A CROWN of victory!

Keep surrendering! The victory is won!

My Two Husbands

Mark got a notice from Google Revisits sharing one of my favorite photos of the two men the Lord blessed me with. I did a scrapbook page. Not only have I been blessed, but so have my children. They were blessed with a wonderful, Godly man as their biological dad and blessed once again with a wonderful Godly man as their step dad. Thank You, LORD, for blessing me and my children with two wonderful men to share our lives with!

Someone is Getting OLD!

And that someone is me! When I think about having two adult children that are 40+, and another to turn 40 in a few short months, I suddenly feel old! The youngest adult child will turn 40 the year that I turn 70! WOW! How can that be??? Where have all of the years gone?

This has always been one of my favorite pictures. I was getting ready to turn 30 years old in 1985. We were renting a big farm house on Kilby Road in Harrison, Ohio. Jessica was 5 and getting ready to start Kindergarten, or already had. Michael was 4. Elisabeth was either getting ready to turn 2 or had just turned 2, depending on exactly when this picture was taken while we were on vacation in the Smoky Mountains, I believe, but don’t remember for sure. Nathanael was just a couple months old. It was probably late August or early September.

Fast forward 38 years to January 2023…..

The adult children, left to right…..Elisabeth (39), Jessica (43), Nathanael (37), and Michael (41). This picture was taken in January at Elisabeth’s house as we had our Christmas gathering.

Today, June 9, 2023

Happy birthday to my second oldest adult child, Michael. You were the total opposite of Jessica as a baby. All I had to do was cover Jessica’s face with a blanket and she was asleep in no time. You…..not so much! You were always busy exploring. You wanted to know how things worked. Jessica didn’t even crawl until she was 8 months old. You used your elbows to “crawl” to get to your next adventure when you were 5 months old. The ornaments on the Christmas tree were not safe that year (1981). I’m really surprised that you did not topple the tree! The only times I remember you being still were when you and Jessica sat on the couch “reading” books together!

Grandpa Brandenburg took this polaroid picture the day we were finally able to bring you home from the hospital. You were jaundiced and was not allowed to go home until your bilirubin count came down! That was one of the hardest weeks of my life…..having to leave a newborn at the hospital!
Jessica watched over you like a little mother. She was putting your pacifier back in your mouth. 7/12/81
Aunt Kim 7/12/81. You were probably getting ready to throw up on her!
Gram 7/12/81
Sept. 1982
July 4, 1983 at Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg’s.
Cleves Park
Summer 1985 at Farm house on Kilby Road in Harrison, OH….where you broke out several windows in their barn with rocks!
Enter Nathanael…..
Swimming pool at Camp Chazon July 1986
Christmas 1986 at Gram’s with your cousins (Uncle John) Amy and Brandon.
September 1986 at the Harrison Airport
March 1987
Kindergarten Graduation at Central
Christmas with the Hafenbridles in Milan, Indiana in 1988, the year dad started preaching at Grace Baptist in Milan, In.
10/29/89 at Grace Baptist in Milan, In.
1990 school year??
Debbie Miller’s SS class 1992 with Barry?
Liberty Baptist in Michigan where dad preached a trial sermon
1997 Basket Ball for Buffalo HS
Buffalo Heritage Days 1998
Graduation 1999
Labor Day 2000
Pleasant memories, LOL! 2001
Christmas gathering 2014
5/28/17 Last family picture with dad
Christmas 2017 at Liz and Brads in Salisbury, NC.
Christmas 2021 at Liz and Brads new home in Lexington
October 2022
Christmas gathering in January 2023 at Liz and Brads

Well, there you have it, Michael. A lifetime of pictures (give or take a few years) from your birth to January 2023. The Lord has been very gracious to our family over the years. I know you recognize and believe it is true, too! He continues to be with us through the good times, the bad times and all the times in between! My prayer for your next 42 years (should He tarry that long) is that you will continue to give Him first place in your life in everything you do! I love you very much…..always have and always will! I’m thankful the Lord chose me to be your mother!


A Letter from the Doctor

I got a note today on My Chart from the doctor who did the colonoscopy:

“This letter is to inform you of the pathology results from your colonoscopy. The pathology of the polyp I removed revealed no cancer. Although no screening method is perfect in its protection, because one of your polyps was a tubulovillous adenomas (an advanced kind of polyp that could have become a cancer quickly), it is recommended that you have a colonoscopy in 3 years to look for new ones.

The nodular area noted in your ileocecal valve did not have any cancerous risk. This nodularity is not anything to worry about and should not be causing any kind of decompensation with your ileocecal valve. The valve appeared to be functioning fine when I looked at it.”

Thank You, LORD, for protecting me from cancer!

I think I am still going to request an appointment to speak to her face to face about my stomach issues. It is frustrating to have all of the symptoms I have been having all of the time!

Please continue to pray that some resolution can be found. But, it may be my thorn in the flesh that the Lord wants me to live with. If it is, it isn’t the worst thing I could have to live with.

Love to all!

Quick Answer to Your Prayers

When the office of Digestive Health called me yesterday to see how I was doing after the colonoscopy I was told that the results to the biopsy and removed polyps would take between 10 to 14 days. ALAS! I got them today on My Chart! I Googled all of the terminology used in the report and I believe I am cancer free, Praise the LORD! However, I did send the doctor a message on My Chart to ask her to explain the report and that I would still like to discuss with her the symptoms I am having that could be caused by a defective ileocecal valve (ICV) allowing reflux back into my small intestine.

I am going to give you the findings from the report on the 3 polyps and the biopsy of the ICV and then give you the information/definitions I found on line:

A. Colon Polypectomy, Descending:
Fragments of tubulovillous adenoma
B. Colon Biopsy, Ileocecal Valve:
Colonic Mucosa with no significant histopathologic findings. Negative for adenomatous change.
C. Colon Polypectomy, Transverse:
Benign polypoid colonic mucosa. Negative for adenomatous change.
D. Colon Polypectomy, Descending:
Sessile serrated polyp/adenoma


A. From Cleveland Clinic
“Tubular adenomas are a very early warning you’re at risk for colorectal cancer. Tubular adenomas aren’t cancerous and they aren’t likely to become cancer. But they are a sign you should consider learning what you can do to limit your risk of developing colorectal cancer. Ask your healthcare provider about steps you can take to limit your risk. They’ll be able to recommend helpful programs and services, whether that’s helping you stop smoking or to attain a healthy weight.”
From the American Cancer Society
What are tubular adenomas, tubulovillous adenomas, and villous adenomas?
Adenomas can have several different growth patterns that can be seen under the microscope by the pathologist. There are 2 major growth patterns: tubular and villous. Many adenomas have a mixture of both growth patterns, and are called tubulovillous adenomas. Most adenomas that are small (less than 1⁄2 inch) have a tubular growth pattern. Larger adenomas may have a villous growth pattern. Larger adenomas more often have cancers developing in them. Adenomas with a villous growth pattern are also more likely to have cancers develop in them. The most important thing is that your polyp has been completely removed and does not show cancer. The growth pattern is only important because it helps determine when you will need your next colonoscopy to make sure you don’t develop colon cancer in the future.

Since there is no indication of negative or benign on the lab report I’m not sure whether the doctor will have more information or not. I hope to find that out when she contacts me.

B. From Very Well Health dot com

Histopathology – using a microscope to look at human tissue to see if it has signs of disease, damage, or other abnormalities.
Histology is the study of tissue
Pathology is the study of disease
Adenoma ia a benign tumor

So, “no significant findings and negative for adenomatous change” means no cancer (my interpretation).

C. From Mayo Clinic

Polypoid colonic mucosa – A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that forms on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are harmless. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer.

So, “benign and negative for adenomatous change” means no cancer (my interpretation).

D. From Johns Hopkins

What is the significance of the diagnosis of sessile serrated adenoma or traditional serrated adenoma or adenoma (adenomatous polyp)?
These types of polyps are not cancer, but are precancerous and therefore, you have some increased risk of subsequently developing cancer of the colon.

From the American Cancer Society
What if my report uses the term sessile?
Polyps that tend to grow as slightly flattened, broad-based polyps are referred to as sessile.
What if my report uses the term serrated?
Serrated polyps (serrated adenomas) have a saw-tooth appearance under the microscope. There are 2 types, which look a little different under the microscope:

  • Sessile serrated adenomas (also called sessile serrated polyps)
  • Traditional serrated adenomas
    Both types need to be removed from your colon.

Since there is no indication of negative or benign on the lab report I’m not sure whether the doctor will have more information or not. I hope to find that out when she contacts me.

I hope to hear from the doctor soon. If anything changes I will let you know. In the meantime, I want to thank you all for your continued prayers on my behalf!

Love to all!

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