Happy 38th Birthday!

June 20, 1985…..enter Nathanael Charles Day into our world! Your first name had to be Biblical and your middle name had to be part of your dad’s name. Since Michael got your dad’s first name as his middle name you got your dad’s middle name, which happened to be your Grandpa Day’s first name.

Our finances were pretty tight and we had decided you would be our last baby. It didn’t matter if you were a girl or a boy. The doctor tried to talk us out of the tubal ligation. It didn’t matter if you were healthy or not. That was God’s business. I often wonder if it was a lack of faith on our part when we opted to have my tubes tied. Would you and your siblings have had other siblings younger than you? It is doubtful but I had heard of tubal ligations failing. That was God’s business. And since I believe that God is in control of life, was it a waste of money to get my tubes tied? Probably! All of these questions are moot points now. What was done is done.

I got side tracked…..

Your birth is the one I remember the least. Because I was having the tubal ligation right after you were born, I was given an epidural for your birth. Your birth is the only one your dad attended, by the way. Grandma Brandenburg stayed in the delivery room when your siblings were born while your dad stayed in the fathers’ waiting room. Maybe the fact that this was his last chance or maybe the fact that I would be feeling nothing is what gave him the courage to be in the delivery room…..we will never know. With the epidural, the only way I knew I was having a contraction was from the baby monitor that was strapped around my belly. When it was time to push your dad had to tell me when. Because of the epidural your labor was a bit longer than for your siblings. I think it ended up being about 3.5 hours compared to 3 to 3.25. Still a lot better than most births! Thank You, LORD!

After completing the birthing process I was lifted to another table and wheeled to the operating room where I was made to be barren. I’ve got to tell you that the realization of that fact made me sad…..but only for a little while! I didn’t have much nausea during my pregnancies, but for awhile after you were born, when I saw a pregnant woman I got nauseous!

You weighed 10 lbs. You were born at 1:50 p.m. on a Thursday. Not sure how long you were. I would guess around 19″ which seemed to be the average length for all of you. You were born at Bethesda in Cincinnati, the only child not born at St. Elizabeth hospital in Covington, KY whose births were attended by Dr. George Mueller. I just realized that your doctor had the same first name as your siblings’ doctor…..George Scott.

Your birth was not without complications, if you want to call being jaundiced a complication. It was bad enough that you had to stay in the hospital for another 5 days. And since I had to leave Michael at the hospital for the same reason (worst week of my life) I told the doctor that I was staying with you! I was not going home without my baby! Been there, done that…..wasn’t going to do it again! It was hard not being at home with my other 3 babies, but I knew they were being well cared for by Grandma Brandenburg. If I remember correctly, she was staying at our house.

You already know that we don’t have as many pictures of you, much to my displeasure, as we seem to have of everyone else. And most of the pictures I have of you, you are not alone. You are usually with a sibling or two…..or three! And, back then, if your dad wasn’t taking the pictures, pictures didn’t get taken much! My hands were always busy doing something else besides holding a camera. Jessica was 5 1/2 when you were born, so having 4 kids under 6 years old kept me pretty busy and kept us just above poverty level, LOL! It seemed I always had laundry to fold and dishes to do and dirty faces to wash and meals to fix, floors to sweep or mop…..the list goes on and on! But, if I had it to do all over again, the only thing I would change would be to spend more time praying with you all and for you all!

June 1985
Thanksgiving 1986 at Gram’s
1986 Kilby Road, Harrison, OH
Versailles State Park in Versailles, IN – vacation with Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg 1986
Christmas 1986 at Gram’s
March 1987
7/4/1987 at Grandma and Grandpa Brandenburg’s
Nursery at Addyston Baptist Church 1987
Natural Bridge State Park, KY 1988
Memorial Day Picnic at Whitewater Park in Brookville, IN 1988
Christmas at Haffenbridles 1988, Milan, IN
10/1989 at Grace Baptist in Milan, IN
Children’s Museum 1988 (?)
Christmas 1989
1990 – Kindergarten at Landmark Christian
1996? Liberty Baptist trial sermon in Michigan
VBS 2001
2002 – Stephanie Parker, Missionary
2004 – little Michael
Christmas 2004 in Buffalo, WV – Hannah
8/28/10 at Elisabeth and Brad’s in Buffalo, WV
Wedding Reception 9/1/18
1/13/23 Christmas Gathering at Elisabeth’s

The years have changed all of us. I hope you enjoyed a perusal of the past years.

I pray you have a wonderful birthday! I pray you look to the Lord for direction in your life. I’m proud of the father you are and the wonderful man that you are! I think you have figured it out! ;).

I love you very much!


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